I have a degree in Communication (specialized in Publicity and Design) and a degree in Fine Arts, both from Seville University (Universidad de Sevilla). I worked as an Editorial Designer and an Illustrator for several newspapers and magazines for over 12 years. Then I decided to focus on what I really love doing: creating my artwork without having to satisfy customers or readers. The fun really rose since!
I deeply believe that there are many ways to avoid passing through the world, through life, on tiptoe. One of them is to enjoy Art or create it in any of its forms. Mine is visual, although I daddle in writing and music too. Art allows us to add a new dimension to our experiences that go beyond space and time. It is Man's creation for Man that connects to ourselves and the others. It eliminates the strangeness generated by the environment and let us harmonise with it from the bottom of our hearts.
I had a very classical education. So I always felt very comfortable with oil paintings and charcoal sketches. But I like challenging myself to master other techniques, especially those that allow me work faster: acrylics, watercolours, pastel crayons... I don't fit in either only one style or technique. I'd be boring...
One has to be a good observer to get inspired. At the beginning, it's not that easy to find a scene that touches you enough, no as to make you put such amount of time and effort into a project. But, honestly, with practise, it might become very annoying when there are so many inspiring situations to register.
Creation should always involve imagination and fun. Pampering the child we all have inside however old we might be is a powerful tool. When I work I don't ever feel I'm undertaking a duty. It's more like a game where you set most of the rules. And as a game, it's addictive, once you finish you're thinking in the next.